The Meaning Behind The Song: Small WeeWee (Remix) by FunnyMike

Publish date: 2024-05-09

The Meaning Behind The Song: “Small WeeWee (Remix)” by FunnyMike

As a person who frequently listens to music, I have come across a variety of songs that elicit emotions and memories. One such song that caught my attention is “Small WeeWee (Remix)” by FunnyMike. I remember stumbling upon this song while browsing through YouTube, and I must admit, it left quite an impression on me.

At first glance, the title may seem comical and light-hearted. However, as I delved deeper into the lyrics and the meaning behind the song, I realized that there is a deeper message embedded within.

The song revolves around the topic of male insecurity and the pressure society places on individuals to conform to certain physical standards. In this case, FunnyMike and Supreme Patty openly discuss their struggles with having a smaller penis size.

In the intro, FunnyMike sets the tone by recounting an encounter with a girl and acknowledging his insecurity about his size. He mentions that although it may be small, it has the potential to become something significant. This line implies that size does not dictate one’s capabilities in the bedroom. It’s a clever way of challenging the societal norms surrounding masculinity and sexual performance.

Moving on to the chorus, FunnyMike expresses the anticipation of his partner’s reaction when his “weewee” gets hard. He expects her to be pleasantly surprised by the transformation his small penis undergoes. The line, “Shut yo ass up and take this weewee like a woman,” highlights the role of communication and consent in a sexual encounter. It emphasizes that pleasure and satisfaction should be a mutual experience, regardless of physical attributes.

In the first verse, FunnyMike talks about his visit to the doctor, where he seeks advice on his small penis. The doctor suggests extensions, which FunnyMike finds insulting. This verse sheds light on the pressure individuals face to seek “solutions” for their perceived inadequacies. However, FunnyMike’s reaction demonstrates an assertion of self-worth and resilience against societal expectations.

Supreme Patty takes the stage in the second verse, emphasizing his acceptance of his small penis size. He embraces the term “lil’ dick lord” and claims it with pride. This verse challenges the notion that physical attributes define one’s worth as a sexual partner.

The outro brings the song to a close with a lighthearted yet empowering tone. FunnyMike and Supreme Patty assert their positions as “lil’ dicks” who are not afraid to embrace their unique qualities. They challenge the notion that size determines sexual prowess, emphasizing the importance of confidence and open-mindedness in intimate relationships.

“Small WeeWee (Remix)” by FunnyMike is a song that tackles a sensitive topic with humor and sincerity. It addresses male insecurity surrounding penis size while promoting self-acceptance and challenging societal norms. By sharing their experiences, FunnyMike and Supreme Patty encourage listeners to embrace themselves and reject the notion that physical attributes solely define their worth as sexual partners.
