Explained What Is The Otacore Music Genre On Spotify, Meaning And Artists

Publish date: 2024-05-09

Millions of Spotify users worldwide are currently wondering what is the Otacore music genre on their Spotify wrapped 2022, find out the meaning behind it, the origin of the word and Otacore artists.

Many Spotify users who open up their Spotify Wrapped 2022 will notice Otacore as one of their top genres.

What Is The Otacore Music Genre On Spotify, Meaning Of Otacore, Origin Of The Word, Definition, Artists

what is otacore pic.twitter.com/mDkiL20c7o

— Mlick (@Mlickles) November 30, 2022

Spotify itself appears to have created the genre itself, let’s find out the meaning behind the Genre and its origin.

What Type Of Genre Is Otacore?

Otacore is basically a genre of music that has been heavily inspired by Japanese anime culture. The genre typically features an electric/ pop beat. MusicWave.com put it correctly by terming Otacore as a loose genre, which covers a certain area of interest rather than a very specific type of musical style.


Simply put, Otacore is a collection of similar music styles rather than a specific and particular type of genre.

Origin Of The Word Otacore

The name Otacore originates from a combination of two words, the Japanese word ‘Otaku’ and the English word ‘core’.

‘Otaku’ loosely means ‘geek’ or more particularly any young person who obsesses with computers or some other particular aspect of popular culture like the Japanese Anime and Manga.

The term however, can sometimes have negative connotations in Japanese culture, as such, people use it as a derogatory word. Despite this negative connotation, people outside Japan use it in a opposite way. People outside Japan use Otaku to refer to themselves or others as Anime and Manga fans proudly.


The word ‘core’ on the other hand denotes ‘hardcore’ in the shortened form. This is similar to any other musical genre carrying the hardcore label. In general, music or songs that come under hardcore genres are faster or more aggressive than other music genres.

Otacore Artists

Although Spotify mainly uses Otacore as a genre to categorize its huge library of music, the genre features a list of famous artists.

Some of the top Otacore artists include:

Listening to the Otacore playlists on Spotify will give a better idea of how the genre sounds like in general.

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