Mom Passed Away! Devastating News About Kailyn Lowry Revealed

Publish date: 2024-05-08

This season on Teen Mom 2, we’ve seen Kailyn Lowry struggle with loss and grief. More recently, there have been family issues that are taking the stage as part of her storyline, but her family is not happy about it.

Kailyn’s sister and father are speaking up about the MTV storyline, and are accusing Kailyn of lying about it all. What’s really going on here?

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Source: WeTV

On a recent episode of Teen Mom 2, Kailyn Lowry and her baby daddy Jo Rivera got into an argument about Kailyn attending funeral services in Texas. Both Kailyn’s grandmother and sister’s mother passed away in the same week, and Kailyn went to pay her respects.

Kailyn said it was a “rough period” and that “going to the funerals caused a big fight with Jo.”

“Jo and me got into a huge fight. When I was leaving the funeral, he was texting me horrible things, like he doesn’t leave Isaac with anyone but blood family,” Kailyn told her friend. “And I was like, ‘Literally I don’t have blood family. I don’t have a mom, I don’t have a dad, I don’t have these people so your point?’’

“He never asked me who died and asking if I care about my kids,” she continued. “I said I’m leaving a funeral. I couldn’t stop crying.”

Kailyn then explained that Jo sent her a text apologizing for the way he reacted, but then he added that he wanted to make sure he can trust her.

“Given our history I want to make sure I can trust you again so I am scrutinizing your actions,” Kailyn read from the texts. “I hope you and I both have better days today.”

“Maybe we can have a real conversation about trust. I made the mistake of not telling you straight how I feel and for that I’m letting it come out in my actions,” Jo continued in his messages.

“I do what I have to do. I take care of Isaac,” Kailyn said. “I pay for his health insurance. I make all his appointments. Make sure that he has everything that he needs.”

Kailyn thought that perhaps Isaac not wanting to visit recently could have sparked this animosity from Jo.

“I don’t know if he’s starting to feel rejection from Isaac because Isaac doesn’t want to go over there,” Kailyn said in the episode. She then clarified that she didn’t trash her son’s father to him.

Instead, she said, “You’re so lucky because some parents that split up and have a kid or more than one kid, one of the parents isn’t always there…You’re very lucky your dad wants to be there and spend the time with you.”

So, while Kailyn was working out issues with her own family, her sister and father are now speaking out about their issues with Kailyn!
