Seth Meyers: A Closer Look at Donald Trumps Border Wall

Publish date: 2024-05-07

February 23, 2017 8:13 AM EST

Seth Meyers used his latest “Closer Look” to skewer President Donald Trump’s opinions about immigration plans for a border wall on Wednesday night.

The Late Night host first dismantled the notion that undocumented immigrants are dangerous or increasingly coming to the U.S. Then he turned his direction to Trump’s often contradictory statements about the wall—which he has at times promised will be “big,” “beautiful,” and “physical,” though the Homeland Security Chief recently said “you can actually see through” parts of it. One Texas congressman described it as an “analogy.”

“Look: These immigration policies are cruel, they’re unnecessary and ineffective,” Meyers concluded. “Even many Republicans think so. Those Republicans and Democrats should stand up to Trump.”

Watch the full clip above.
