What is unicorn hunting? The US Sun

Publish date: 2024-05-06

THE term unicorn hunting sounds like something from a fantasy world. 

But in reality it's a term used to describe a heterosexual couple, seeking out a bisexual couple to form a throuple.

What is unicorn hunting?

Unicorn hunting is where a heterosexual couple seek to find an additional person who can permanently join their relationship.

The couple form a "triad" with the person and the three people have group sex.

However, this doesn't mean the couple are looking to have a threesome with just anyone.

People who are unicorn hunting are specifically looking for a bisexual woman.

These women must be cisgender or assigned-female-at-birth and single.

Another important factor is that they must be attracted to both partners equally.

The term unicorn hunter can typically be used as a derogatory term for a straight-presenting couple who are hoping to spice things up.


Is unicorn hunting dangerous?

The number of straight couples looking to add a third person to their relationship has reached high numbers, meaning that polyamorous people often see it as cliche.

Women in the LGBTQ+ community often find that dating apps are full of couples seeking a third partner.

The couples often expect the third partner to be sexually and romantically exclusive with them rather than polyamorous with other people.

They also demand that a unicorn is attracted to them both equally and interested in only having group sex.

But the couple are not looking to bring her fully into their relationship, the dynamic remains divided between the original couple and their unicorn unless engaging in sex.

Often the couple aim for the "unicorn" to not interfere with their relationship.

It's also often difficult to find a third partner who meets all of the criteria which is where the reference to the mythical creature comes from.

But even if they succeed, it's not always happily ever after..

An anonymous polyamorous man told Business Insider that he has never known a straight couple, searching for a bisexual woman, to have worked out.

An additional third person in a relationship can often add an enormous strain to a relationship which can cause couples to break up.

Many people in the polyamorous community can often think that "unicorn hunting" is just a way for a man in a relationship to sleep with other women whilst their partner is not sleeping with other men.

How do you spot a unicorn hunter?

It is not always easy to tell if a couple is searching for a unicorn.

On dating apps such as Tinder, couples will often use the woman's profile in their search.

These profiles are often filled with photos of the woman in the couple with limited photos of her partner.

However, LGBTQ+ women or bisexual women can find this deceptive.

Often honest profiles will have terms such as "M+F", "couple looking for a third" or others to indicate that they are looking for a third partner in their relationship.
