Into the Unknown, Starfield Mission

Publish date: 2024-05-05

1. Talk to Vladimir

Sarah has asked me to go to the Eye, a star station that Constellation owns in orbit of Jemison. I need to meet with Vladimir Sall about finding more Artifacts in the fringes of space.

The space station you need to go to is located in Jemison orbit. Head there and dock to the station.

Talk to Vladimir

You can start by exploring the station a bit. In the Facilities F01 section > Physical Training room, located on the right side while walking towards Vladimir, you will find a magazine - Peak Performance 01.

Talk to Vladimir

Then talk to Vladimir who is waiting in the central room of the station.

Talk to Vladimir

2. Go to Tau Ceti VIII-b / Find the Artifact on Tau Ceti VIII-b

Vladimir has given me locations he believes could hold Artifacts. He's also asked me to be on the lookout for Andreja, another Constellation member, who was following up on the same leads and hasn't reported back.

Note: The planets you have to go to may be random so they may have different names than those given in this walkthrough. The places where you have to land, etc. may also be random.

In short - Land on the planet, follow the mission objective markers, eliminate any enemies you come across along the way. You should end up in a cave, at the end of which you will find the Artifact Zeta.

Go to Tau Ceti VIII-b / Find the Artifact on Tau Ceti VIII-b

3. Go to Sumati / Find Andreja / Find the Artifact on Sumati

Travel to the second planet and land at the location called Abandoned Mine. Before you enter the mine, enter the habitat with an airlock located on the left side of the mine entrance. You should find a "Mining Monthly Issue 01" magazine there.

Go to Sumati / Find Andreja / Find the Artifact on Sumati

Enter the mine through the marked door. Inside you will meet Andreja. She'll temporarily join you.

Go to Sumati / Find Andreja / Find the Artifact on Sumati

Move down into the tunnel and through the subsequent caves. Along the way you will have to deal with multiple enemies. Eventually you should reach a small tunnel located at the bottom of a second larger cave with many metal ramps and stairs around it. There you will find the Artifact Iota.

Go to Sumati / Find Andreja / Find the Artifact on Sumati

After collecting the artifact, you will have the opportunity to talk to Andreja awhile.

Go to Sumati / Find Andreja / Find the Artifact on Sumati

4. Add the Artifacts to the Collection

I've found the Artifacts. Time to add them to the collection back at the Lodge.

You can access the mission screen and use it to set a route back. Then you don't have to leave the mine and will quickly travel to the Lodge. Put the artifacts on a pedestal in the middle.

Add the Artifacts to the Collection

5. Talk to Matteo

After placing the artifacts, you will automatically talk to Matteo. Which side you support doesn't matter. From this point on Andreja can be your companion.

Talk to Matteo

6. Talk to Vladimir

Vladimir picked up some data on the Artifacts I just brought back. I should talk to him.

Once again, head to The Eye space station to talk to Vladimir. You will learn from him about the next planet you should visit.

Talk to Vladimir

7. Go to Procyon III / Land at the Scanner Anomaly

There's a large anomaly on a distant planet that matches the signature of one of the Artifacts. I need to find it.

Head to Procyon A where Procyon III is located. Land at the Scanner Anomaly.

Go to Procyon III / Land at the Scanner Anomaly

8. Follow Distortions on the Scanner

My scanner is picking up some distortions. I should keep my scanner up and follow the distortions to the source.

Open the Hand Scanner and look for distortions in your field of view. Follow the distortions to the source. You have to move in the direction where your scanner has the circular ring distorts and audio crackling.

Follow Distortions on the Scanner

9. Investigate the Source of the Anomaly

If you are going the right direction then after some time a marker will appear that will lead you to the Temple Eta. Go inside.

Investigate the Source of the Anomaly

There is no gravity inside the temple, so you can move in any direction. You have to fly into swirling glowing projections that appear and disappear after a while.

Investigate the Source of the Anomaly

When you do this enough times, the rings in the middle will align and you will be able to fly inside. You will see another vision and then you will end up outside the temple. What you have experienced has caused you to gain a new power.

Investigate the Source of the Anomaly

10. Return to the Lodge

The anomaly ended up being some kind of temple. I need to return to the Lodge and let everyone know what's happened.

Head back to the Lodge. Vladimir will be there waiting for you along with others. He will ask you to demonstrate your new powers.

Return to the Lodge

11. Use "Anti-Gravity Field" in front of Vladimir

Follow the instructions that the game suggests and present your new powers.

Use "Anti-Gravity Field" in front of Vladimir

Use "Anti-Gravity Field" in front of Vladimir

12. Talk to Vladimir

Vladimir says he can help track down more of the temples in the future for any Artifacts we find.

To complete this mission, talk to Vladimir once again. This will unlock the next mission - "Power from Beyond" and you will receive your due rewards: 4000 XP, 9500 Credits, Andreja available as a companion, access to Powers and Temples, Hippolyta x 2.
