12 Best Eva Green Movies and TV Shows Every Fan Must Watch

Publish date: 2024-05-05

Eva Green is one of the most talented actresses of our time. She is well-known not only for her beauty but also for her outstanding acting abilities. Green, who is originally from France, has earned a name for herself in Hollywood by starring in both serious and comedic parts. The following is a list of the top 12 Eva Green films and television shows:

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300: Rise of an Empire

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This picture wasn’t as brilliant as Zack Snyder’s renowned 300, but Eva Green’s Artemisia was a very unforgettable character. Green was a prototypical woman figure in a male-dominated environment of combat, bloodthirsty, ambitious, and shamelessly asserting her ground. Green gives an enthralling performance and, thanks to her own contribution, makes the film memorable.


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This medieval fantasy television drama received only tepid reviews when it first aired. This show stars Eva Green as Morgan, Arthur’s evil half-sister, and is based on the legend of King Arthur. Eva Green gives a stunning portrayal as Morgan, who schemes to usurp Arthur’s reign. Her malicious intents and nastiness are never overdone, but always hang around like a toxic atmosphere.

Casino Royale

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This is one of the better Bond films, directed by Martin Campbell and starring Daniel Craig as 007 and Eva Green as Vesper Lynd. Green is the Bond girl in this picture, but she’s more than just a pretty face. Vesper is a British treasury agent with the intelligence to match her beauty. The picture chronicles a teenage Bond’s climb to a spy of international reputation, and Eva Green’s acting talent lends great dimension to the role. Bond’s heart is broken by Vesper, who transforms him into the cynical womanizer we all know and love. Green’s deft handling of Vesper’s character transforms her into a femme fatale who, in the end, plays Bond, and makes Green’s performance as Vesper one to remember not only for her attractiveness but also for the engaging character development.

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Eva Green plays Miss G, a diving teacher at a top British boarding school, in this psychological thriller directed by Jordan Scott. Eva Green does an excellent job of bringing out the moral complexity of G’s character. The females’ deliberate hurried acting in some instances highlights the deceptions and hypocrisies in G’s assertions. Miss G’s psyche is a delectable exploration, and Eva Green performs brilliantly to make the journey enjoyable for us. The cold manipulation of her students and the subsequent revelation that she herself was in some ways victimized by the institution makes the psyche of Miss G a delectable exploration, and Eva Green performs brilliantly to make the journey enjoyable for us.

Dark Shadows

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This film, directed by Tim Burton, is a reimagining of the 1970s television series. As Angelique Bouchard, a malevolent witch bent on destroying the Collins family, Green gives a mind-blowing performance. Green’s sultry eyes, vivid red lipstick, and chilly manner stand out in a film that is short on noteworthy moments. Eva Green performs a fantastic job as the adversary, and this is undoubtedly one of her most accomplished acting roles.

Kingdom of Heaven

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This epic drama, directed by Ridley Scott, is a film of epic proportions. A fast-paced action film in which the story spans countries and chronicles the heroic exploits of one guy, Balian. Sibylla is played by Eva Green. As the film chronicles the slow decline of the middle eastern princess into madness, Green gives one of her best performances. Green fleshes out her role and gives a great performance in this epic picture.

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children

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Eva Green reunites with Tim Burton for the second time, in a role that is almost identical to Charles Xavier from the X Men franchise. Miss Peregrine runs a home for exceptional children, and Eva Green gives a sweet portrayal as the headmistress, who is strict but still shows genuine compassion for the students. Eva Green gives a fantastic performance and matures as an actor in this picture, which follows a classic fantasy plot with monster attacks and the pitting of good over evil.

Penny Dreadful

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In this British-American horror drama that aired on Showtime, Eva Green played Vanessa Ives. The title of the show alludes to the penny dreadful literature, which dealt with gruesome and spectacular subjects. Dracula’s attempt to plunge the world into darkness is fought by a group of unusual people in the plot of the show. Many figures from classic Gothic novels appear in the episode, including Mina Harker, Victor Frankenstein, Dorian Gray, and Dr. Henry Jekyll. Green nails the coquettish Miss Ives, allowing her humanity and depths of grief to peek through at at the right moments before instantly resuming her controlled, dignified persona. Eva Green’s performance was one of the few things that stayed consistently engaging throughout the episode, despite the fact that the show itself had a somewhat dismal ending.

Perfect Sense

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Eva Green plays an epidemiologist who starts a lust-fueled tempestuous affair with a chef, played by Ewan McGregor, in this film directed by David McKenzie. When confronted with a mystery virus that begins to strip humans of their senses, Green gives a wonderful sympathetic performance as a person who tries to keep the initial lust and humanity in the connection. While Perfect Sense isn’t one of Green’s most well-known films, it does demonstrate the actresses’ versatility and breadth of performance.

Sin City 2: A Dame To Kill For

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Eva Green portrays Ava Lord, a femme fatale from Frank Miller’s Sin City series of novels. In a sense, she becomes the titular dame to kill for. She uses her sexuality to control the men around her, including Dwight, a private eye and her ex-lover, as well as the cop who subsequently probes her husband’s murder. Green displayed her full range of acting abilities in this part, and she brilliantly conveys Ava’s cold, sociopathic personality. One of Green’s better works in her repertoire, this is a fast-paced film whose characterization is complemented by her talent.

The Dreamers

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Bernardo Bertolucci directed the film, which is based on the novel “The Holy Innocents.” Eva Green, Michael Pitt, and Louis Garrel feature in the film. Pitt plays Matthew, an American student who moves in with Theo and Isabelle, two incestuous and liberated French siblings. They share a passion for movies and spend their days indulging in hedonistic pleasures in the midst of the Paris student protests. Eva Green gives one of her best performances, and the mature way she handles her character, coming to grips with her incestuous relationship and her newfound love for Matthew, makes this a completely pleasurable experience and one of Eva Green’s best.

The Golden Compass

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In this big-budget fantasy picture, Eva Green plays Serafina Pekkala, a wicked witch. Despite having a strong cast and excellent CGI, the picture did not garner a lot of positive reviews. Eva Green, on the other hand, gives a competent performance and manages to stand out even among the film’s illustrious group of coworkers. As she delivers her well-balanced act, Green’s seamless mimicry of a malevolent evil queen sends shivers down our spine.

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