How do you abbreviate personal assistant?

Publish date: 2024-05-04

personal assistant. A personal assistant is a person who does office work and administrative work for someone. The abbreviation `PA’ is also used.Click to see full answer. Likewise, what does the abbreviation Asst mean?asst. abbreviation. The definition of asst is an abbreviation for the word assistant, which is someone who helps.Similarly, what is the abbreviation for assistant superintendent? Assistant superintendent, or assistant superintendent of police (ASP), is a rank that was used by police forces in the British Empire and is still used in many police forces in the Commonwealth. Considering this, how do you abbreviate personal? You might abbreviate the word personal to pers. or prsn. on an interoffice envelope, or on the outside of a private communication. It is also common to see such abbreviations in headlines or newspaper titles where space is a concern. In general, however, the word personal is not abbreviated in general prose.What is the full form of Asst?Assistant (Asst.) is a person whose job is to assist another person to do work or someone who ranks below a senior person.
