A Saved Souls Advice to All, Look for Me at Jesus Feet

Publish date: 2024-05-04

A Saved Soul's Advice to All, "Look for Me at Jesus' Feet" 1The Booth Brothers / Photo credit: amazon.com

We are all sinners but despite our sinful nature, God still loves us unconditionally. He made a promise that whoever believes in Him, will not perish but shall live eternally. Thus, every day is a new opportunity for us to turn from our sins and surrender our lives to God. This way, we’ll have the chance to be in His Kingdom, experience the stillness of the green pasture and be serenaded by the angels. How does that sound to you? Isn’t it exciting?

Here’s a song called Look for Me at Jesus’ Feet” to rouse your spirit even more. It’s a tune sang by a sinner who’s been saved by grace and addressed to his peers. Written by Southern gospel singer and songwriter Squire Parsons, the song focuses on the narrator giving direction particularly on his whereabouts by the time he is in heaven. His instructions are quite detailed to emphasize his points.

First, the storyteller admitted the huge kind of sinner he is. But, by the grace of God and with His great love, he was saved. Secondly, his detailed instructions are meant to enlighten his fellow men. The things he mentioned in the chorus would guide them directly to him and definitely, to Jesus.

Don’t look ‘neath the gates of pearl, don’t look on the streets of gold, 
Don’t look by the walls of jasper, nor among the many sights untold; 
For I’ve been longing and I’ve been waiting for the precious, holy One to meet, 
There I’ll be thru the countless ages, look for me at Jesus’ feet.

For a complete grasp of the song’s message, watch The Booth Brothers below as they sing the song live.

The Singers

Ronnie Booth, Michael Booth, and Paul Lancaster form the Southern gospel trio The Booth Brothers. Ronnie and Michael are brothers who were influenced by their father, Ron Booth, Jr. to follow his footsteps in gospel music singing. Hence, the two sang with their father until the latter left the road. Later on, Paul Lancaster who enjoyed singing with other gospel music groups, joined them. Accordingly, they formed The Booth Brothers. 

Apart from their deep commitment to musical excellence, it’s also the trio’s desire to touch the hearts of those who listen to their music. Over the years, they have been considered among the finest gospel singers in the industry. Either they perform as a group or individually, the trio remained firm to their commitment. This eventually earned them several accolades such as Song of the Year, Album of the Year, Trio of the Year, Male Group of the Year, Best Live Performers, and Artist of the Year, among others.

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