What is Zofia Nasierowska religion and ethnicity?

Publish date: 2024-05-03

This article will inform readers about the religion and ethnicity of Zofia Nasierowska, a Polish portrait photographer.

Zofia Nasierowska was a Polish portrait photographer who created images of noted Polish celebrities. She was born on April 24, 1938, in Łomianki, Poland.

Her father, Eugeniusz Nasierowski, was a noted photographer. She took to photography as a child at the age of seven and within four years she was exhibiting her work. Her father was a natural teacher but she continued her interest at Łódź Film School. Her fellow students included Roman Polanski and Janusz Majewski, who she would later marry.

Her portrait photos were said to make women more romantic and men more subtle. She gathered attention when she took a photo of the actress Lucyna Winnicka which made the cover of the magazine “Ekran” in 1958. She was known for her lighting which produced monochrome images that made her subjects look like film stars. One of her subjects asked her to light her TV studio for her when they saw her skill in taking her photo.

An early subject was Nina Andrycz who told Nasierowska that she used a mirror to get the right look on her face. Nasierowska at the time was just twenty but she believed that although some women believed that they could improve their looks while looking in the mirror Nasierowska said this was a fallacy. She took photos of Nina Andrycz allowing her to use her mirror, but the ones chosen for publication were created without the mirror.

She died on 3 October 2011, in Warsaw after a long illness. She was buried in the Military Cemetery in Powązki (section D31-tuje-3). She was included in Karolina Lewandowska’s book, She-documentalists: Polish Women Photographers of the 20th Century.

In April 2023 she was remembered with a Google Doodle on what would have been her 85th birthday.

Zofia Nasierowska religion

Zofia Nasierowska was a Christian before her death.

Zofia Nasierowska ethnicity

In 1938, Nasierowska was born in the village of Oomianki, which is close to Warsaw, the capital of Poland.

source: www.ghbase.com
