The Reason Requiem For A Dream Traumatized Jared Leto

Publish date: 2024-05-03

Ultimately, the role took a massive toll on his health and he lost his appetite. "I got increasingly sick as the film went on and I started getting addicted to losing weight. And more so addicted to the challenge of like, `you know you can do a little bit more.' There's a little voice in your head. I had a number that I wanted to get down to and that number kept getting lower as you get used to it! Because you look in the mirror and I didn't see myself as skinny," he said.

He suffered after filming was completed and had to go to a monastery in Portugal to recover. He spoke about how difficult it was for him to eat after the shoot ended."I started to eat this taco and I took like two or three bites and I was almost halfway through the taco which was an incredibly large meal for me because at the time I was only eating raw vegetables, a piece or two of broccoli and cucumbers I ate a lot. And someone said to me, `Woah look how much food you ate.'" He added that this put him a tough spot. He simply couldn't eat. "It was very difficult, emotionally," he said.
