Tool - Rosetta Stoned Lyrics Meaning

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Feb 23rd 2012 !⃝

Rosetta Stoned - Tool

Can't breathe, right now!

You believe me, don't you?
Please believe what I just said, see the Dead ain't touring.
And this wasn't all in my head.
See they took me by the hand and invited me right in,
Then they showed me something.
I don't even know where to begin......

I really don't have a clue as to what this song could be about but I am going to take a stab at it anyway. It reminds me of Alice In Wonderland, The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Tests, The Magic Bus Further, And Three Ish Years O My Dreamy Life. Definitely somethin hugely freakin crazy & psychedlic.

First things first: Let me admit that I am not a big fan of him saying that he pooped in his bed and peed in his pants. I really dislike honkin poop in the sheets & damp tinkled upon trousers... They are pet peeves I have and I know we all have our hangups. Anyway.. There is also a great deal of swearing in this song and that is "okay" but there are SOOO many other words a person can use to add colourful flair to their point. Must we be bombarded with the constant f*cks & the shi#s..? I wish people could use their brains and try to be a wee more creative.. My two cents.

Secondly: Love the talk of Birkenstocks but I don't wear my forest green suede ones much these days. They look hypocritical with any type of pedicure. One must have bunions and hammertoes to look really authentic in Birkies. Save the Birkies for Bethlehem. That's one of my many pertinent mottos in life.

Next : This man "Tool" doesn't know if he is alive or if he is dead. He's having a hard time breathing. I can relate on many a day in my dream life... I walk around my town and very nonchalantly try to notice if anybody actually looks at me or talks to me. It is a fun game I play with myself. Every day I feel completely invisible because people walk away when I approach. If they don't walk away, they pretend they don't see me. If I catch them in order to have a chat, they keep it to 2 seconds. THEN they run off. I think I must have rotten muskrat lodged in my teeth. They make me feel odd & repulsive. Am I crazy? Why is everyone avoiding me? Is this really happening or is it a dream? Why is everyone sooo weird? It's enough to make a person feel paranoid and/or delusional. Every now and then I decide to buoyantly realize that I am now officially thee only normal one left on earth. But still, it's lonely. Maybe they think I am the Grim Reaper or ET or Jesus. Or The Chosen One To Walk In Hell.. If I did not have kids, parents & a dog to let me know that I am still alive, I might have truly vanished from the earth several years ago. And I can't tell my dream story to anyone on earth.. It's too bizarre.

Which brings me to my conclusion: This song reminds me of this quote::: In 1989, my idol Jerry Garcia said this : "If you go into a situation with nothing planned, sometimes wonderful stuff happens. LSD was certainly an important part of that for me. I also think there's an electronic hinge like computer cybernetics that's going to take us to interesting places and may work the way psychedelics do without the idea of substance.... Have you ever heard of this stuff called VIRTUAL REALITY?" Hhmm. Well, yes Jerry, I believe I have.

Coincidentally, my name is Rosetta and I have been stoned. Thank you Mr. Tool for validating my experience.
